Orders starting at $250 for home and business

Protein Served

From our cutting room to your kitchen, experience our curated selection of proteins delivered fresh.

Food Service and Cash & Carry

From custom cuts to small-batch sourcing, PFD's wholesale selections are available fresh on demand for pickup or delivery.

We make, pack, pick and ship it

Engage PFD’s integrated production and fulfillment process to streamline your entire operation.

Our Partners

The finest proteins come from the finest animals. From the genetics and breeding to the pasturing and feeding, the care of these animals must transcend responsibility to become a way of life. When that same reverence carries through in all stages of the process, exceptional food is the result.

You are what you eat. Before any food reaches your plate, countless critical decisions are made that determine the character and quality of what you will put into your body. Although you have control over the choice you make in selecting that end product, how can you get the full picture of what you are eating?

We have the opportunity to serve at a time when people are increasingly aware of the effect their eating choices have on their lives.

With all the variables that come from working with natural ingredients, it is our challenge to craft them into consistent, quality products.

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Elevating quality standards

We have the opportunity to participate in elevating the standards of our entire industry. The foundation of that evolution is in the selection process.